The COMAH report is the documented output of the all formal HSE risk assessments that have been undertaken and provides assurance that Major Accident Hazards (MAH) have been identified and managed to risk levels which are either acceptable or As Low As Reasonably Practicable (ALARP).
The objectives of COMAH Report are to:
- Show that HSE Management System (HSE-MS) is in place in compliance with the Company rules to ensure that operations are conducted in a safe manner.
- Show that a ‘Formal HSE Assessment’ has been, and continues to be, systematically applied to all operations and includes a listing of all significant and major HSE hazards (the Hazards and Effects Register).
- Demonstrate how hazards and effects are managed for all operations and that plans and equipment are in a state of readiness for recovery in the event that control is lost.
- Demonstrate, to the extent reasonably possible and to a level of detail commensurate with the level of risk, that all foreseeable and credible major hazards that have the potential to cause multiple fatalities, major asset damage, major environmental effect or considerable adverse impact to the reputation of the participating companies have been identified, assessed and that suitable and sufficient barriers and recovery preparedness measures have been specified so that risks associated with these hazards have been reduced to a level that is ALARP.
- Demonstrate that continuous improvement in the management of hazards will occur in the workplace.
- Show that there is adequate provision for the full and safe sheltering, escape, evacuation, rescue and recovery of all personnel in the event of a major accident.
Contents of COMAH report –
COMAH report contains mainly following,
- Management Measures to Prevent Major Accidents
- Risk Assessment Methodology
- Hazards and Effects Registers
- Quantitative Risk Assessment – Onshore
- Bowties, HSE Critical Activities and Systems
- COMAH Conclusion